EJKS 22.2

European Journal of Korean Studies – Vol 22.2

Special Section 1 JIHYE KIM, University of Central Lancashire and YONSON AHN, Goethe University Frankfurt Gradual, Diverse, Complex—and Unnoticed: Korean Migration in Europe 11 YONSON AHN, Goethe University Frankfurt Maternal Practices of Korean Healthcare Workers in Germany 45 JIHYE KIM, University of Central Lancashire Together but Separate: Relationships and Boundaries between North and South K……

Jihye Kim (Together but Separate: Relationships and Boundaries between North and South Koreans in Multiethnic Britain)

Abstract The United Kingdom hosts the largest North Korean immigrant community in Europe, and the majority have settled in New Malden, London’s Koreatown. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, this study examines the relationships North Korean immigrants have established with their South Korean counterparts in the course of secondary migration from South Korea to the UK, focusing…

Tobias Hübinette (Overseas Korean Adoption and the Birth of Swedish Color-blindness: A Study of How Korean Adoptees Transformed Sweden’s Attitude to Race and the Relationship between Race and Swedishness)

Abstract This article consists of a study of how the first wave of Korean adoptees to Sweden were imagined and represented in a political debate that raged throughout the 1960s concerning whether or not Swedes would adopt non-white children from abroad. The study examines how the arrival of the Korean adoptees came to transform Swedes’…

AhRan Ellie Bae (A Reconsideration of the Ch’inilp’a (Pro-Japanese Collaborators) Criteria: Discussions Surrounding the 1947 and the 1948 Legislations)

Abstract In postwar southern Korea from 1945, the term ch’inilp’a is loosely used to describe a wide range of collaboration during the Japanese-administered colonial period. Although the term has been used to include questionable acts, many ambiguities among the criteria of ch’inilp’a are often overlooked or ignored. Tracing the origin of the criteria, this article…

2 CHO (7-42)

Abstract This study investigates the process of digital communication transformation following the specific policies of each South Korean administration. During the last twenty-five years, various political issues have arisen within Korean digital society, and each South Korean government has had to cope with those issues. However, the attitudes of the various political parties in South…


Abstract Countries have long considered immigrant entrepreneurship and high-skilled immigration as crucial sources of economic growth and innovation. Still, little is known about what governments do to attract, support, and retain tech entrepreneurs with foreign backgrounds. This article examines startup programs in South Korea. It demonstrates how the demand for tech entrepreneurship is approache… Members…