The Nation over Gender and Class: Media Framing of Comfort Women in South Korea and Japan (Page 159-184)

Abstract In December 2015, South Korea and Japan reached an agreement on resolving the “comfort women” issue that sparked media interests. This article analyses how the South Korean and Japanese media covered comfort women in 2013–2018. The study collects over 20,000 newspaper articles and analyses distinctive media framings in liberal, conservative and leftist newspapers in…

Continuities in the Party System of the Republic of Korea from the Authoritarian to the Democratic Era (Page 135-158)

Abstract In scholarship about the South Korean party system, the two main political parties are seen as organizations with a certain degree of continuity despite constant party name changes, mergers and splits, but, at the same time, as lacking insti- tutionalization because of those constant changes. This article argues that, after the democratic transition, an…

A Reconsideration of the New Right’s Formative Period (2003–2008) (Page 35-84)

Abstract The present article re-considers the emergence and institutionalization of the South Korean New Right Movement (2003–2007). Tracing institutional changes in post-democratization South Korea, I argue that the New Right can be evaluated as a process of Cultural Trauma within the conservative ideological spectrum. Revealing the movement’s institutionalization until the inauguration of the Le… Members…

Families in the Household Registers of Seventeenth-Century Korea: Capital, Urban and Rural Areas (Page 1-34)

Abstract Because of the Japanese (1592–1598), and Manchu (1627, 1636–1637), invasions, the seventeenth century was a turning point in the Neo-Confucian transformation of Chosŏn dynasty. Changes and continuities in Korean society and families can be seen in household registers published in the seventeenth century. Occupational records and family structures from the top to the bottom…